Grantee: Alana M. Rojewski, PhD

Alana M. Rojewski

Alana M. Rojewski, PhD

Psychologist and Tobacco Treatment Researcher
  • Medical University of South Carolina

Dr. Rojewski is an experimental psychologist with a strong behavior-analytic and tobacco treatment research background. She investigates treatments for cigarette smoking and is interested in developing effective interventions for high-risk smokers with health comorbidities (such as cancer), and implementing evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions in the health care setting. Dr. Rojewski has had a long-standing interest in human behavior, particularly drug-related behaviors. She became more specifically interested in tobacco treatment during her graduate training, and finally honed in on tobacco treatment for comorbid populations when she conducted her research within a tobacco treatment program at an NCI-designated cancer center. She has dedicated her career to exploring the relationship between smoking and comorbid disease and developing optimal strategies for tobacco treatment in these populations.

Dr. Rojewski's newly funded study, "Optimizing Tobacco Treatment Delivery for People Living with HIV (PLWH)," will evaluate how to optimize the delivery of evidence-based behavioral and pharmacological tobacco treatment for PLWH. She will conduct a type 1 hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial to evaluate the impact of a proactive, opt-out smoking cessation intervention on smoking cessation outcomes and advance understanding of key barriers and facilitators of implementation processes. By optimizing the delivery of effective tobacco treatments for PLWH, she and her collaborators hope to increase the number of people receiving tobacco treatment, increase tobacco cessation rates, and reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality from smoking-related causes.

The first time I saw a patient with an IV pole smoking on the sidewalk outside of the hospital, it stopped me in my tracks. Here was a person who was facing significant health challenges from their smoking and still could not quit. If this health event was not enough of a motivation, then I would make it my mission to design interventions to help them successfully quit.”

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