Grantee: Ana-Paula Cupertino

Ana-Paula Cupertino

Ana-Paula Cupertino, PhD

Social Behavioral Researcher focused on addressing cancer disparities faced by Latinos by developing mobile health tools to be implemented in the context of community-based infrastructure
  • University of Kansas Medical Center

Ana-Paula Cupertino, PhD, is an Associate Director of the Cancer Prevention and Control (CPC) program at the rank of Senior Scientist in the Department of Biomedical Research and the John Theurer Cancer Center, Hackensack University Medical Center, and is fluent in English and Spanish. As a social behavioral scientist, her tobacco control research has focused on smoking cessation and access to cessation treatments among underserved and understudied populations, focused primarily on Latinos. She also has experience in the development and implementation of research projects incorporating cultural factors and principles of community-based participatory research. For this application, she will bring her experience in multidisciplinary tobacco research involving community-based studies, survey development, research design and methodology in minority populations, participant recruitment and human subjects' protection, data management, research staff training and supervision. Throughout her research, Dr. Cupertino has established a strong leadership and partnership with health care providers and community-based organizations serving Latinos in the state of Kansas. For the past 13 years, she has developed a strong research collaboration with Mexico and Brazil including training of medical students, graduate and undergraduate students.

Dr. Cupertino has completed a project funded by the Health Care Foundation for Greater Kansas City to implement innovative smoking cessation programs into safety-net clinics serving Latinos. Dr. Cupertino also has completed a K-award (K01 CA136993) to assess case management reaching and treating Latino smokers. In addition, she completed a NHI funded STTR grant (1R41MD010318) tailoring a text-based smoking cessation intervention for Latino smokers and is currently implementing NIH grant R01CA212189-01, a randomized clinical trial assessing a text-based smoking cessation program for Latinos in the United States. In addition, she has just completed Cancer Center subcontract CCSG P30CA168524 to develop and implement an m-health smoking cessation pilot test in Mexico titled Vive sin Tabaco... ¡Decídete!.

I have been fascinated with the opportunity to translate my smoking cessation mobile research interventions into business models to increase access to Latino smokers in the U.S., Mexico and Brazil.”

Selected Grants

Project Title Grant Number Program Director
e-Decidete: Mobile Cessation Support for Latino Smokers 5R01CA212189-06 Yvonne Prutzman