
Our team of accomplished scientists, research associates, fellows, and administrators is dedicated to advancing cancer-related behavioral science research. This staff directory can help you:

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Photo Last Name First Name Title Scientific Interests Branch/ Office
Amanda Acevedo Acevedo Amanda Program Director Psychophysiological influences on cancer control; Emotions and facial expressions; Stress and resilience; Pain and health disparities; Latino culture and health BBPSB, HCIRB
Tanya Agurs-Collins Agurs-Collins Tanya Acting Branch Chief, Program Director Lifestyle factors; Biomarkers and cancer risk in ethnic/minority populations; Gene-behavior interactions; Obesity and cancer risk; Health Disparities HBRB
David Berrigan Berrigan David Program Director Physical activity and the built environment; Energy balance and carcinogenesis; Geospatial approaches to cancer prevention and control HBRB, TCRB
Kelly Blake Blake Kelly Program Director Media effects; Social epidemiology; Communication inequality; Public health policy; Tobacco control; Survey research methods; Rural cancer control HCIRB, TCRB
Michele Bloch Bloch Michele Senior Advisor, OAD Women's tobacco use; Global tobacco control research; Tobacco control policy research OAD
Jennifer Bowers Bowers Jennifer Cancer Prevention Fellow Cancer Prevention; Social Influence; Risk Perceptions; Decision Making; Adolescent Health Behavior BBPSB
Amy Caplon Caplon Amy Public Health Advisor OAD
Wen-Ying Sylvia Chou Chou Wen-Ying Sylvia Program Director Social media; Palliative care and goals of care communication; Patient-provider communication; Qualitative and mixed methods health research; Health literacy; Global cancer control research; Online health information quality HCIRB, IS
Joseph Ciccolo Ciccolo Joseph Program Director Cigarette Smoking Cessation, Addiction, Mental illness, Health Disparities, High-risk Populations TCRB
Susan Czajkowski Czajkowski Susan Special Volunteer Psychosocial and behavioral risk factors and interventions; Behavioral treatment development; Adherence to medical and behavioral regimens; Obesity; Health-related quality of life HBRB
Heather D'Angelo D'Angelo Heather Program Director Place and health; Environmental health; Public health policy; Communication interventions HCIRB, HBRB
David Dean Dean David Program Director HBRB
Rebecca Ferrer Ferrer Rebecca Program Director Emotion/affective science; Judgment and decision making; Risk perception; Social psychology BBPSB, HBRB
Michele Fisher Fisher Michele Program Specialist OAD
Molly Frauenholz Frauenholz Molly Cancer Research Training Award Fellow Health outcomes and disparities among vulnerable populations; Quality of life of cancer survivors; Physical activity HBRB
Neal Freedman Freedman Neal Chief, TCRB Non-daily and low-intensity tobacco use; Emerging tobacco and cannabis products; Descriptive epidemiology of cancer and mortality trends TCRB
Anna Gaysynsky Gaysynsky Anna Contractor, ICF International HCIRB
Laurel Gibson Gibson Laurel Cancer Prevention Fellow LGBT Health; Tobacco prevention and control; Cannabis and cancer outcomes; Concurrent use of tobacco and cannabis; Applied social psychology; Health behavior theory TCRB
Andrea Goergen Goergen Andrea Health Scientist Administrator Leveraging communication to promote health behavior change; Personalized medicine and nutrition; Access to care for vulnerable populations OAD
Meredith Grady Grady Meredith Public Health Advisor TCRB, OAD
Rachel Grana Mayne Grana Mayne Rachel Program Director Behavioral factors associated with e-cigarette and other novel tobacco product use; Dual and polyuse of tobacco products; Dual and polyuse of tobacco products and cannabis; Tobacco cessation, particularly among youth and young adults TCRB
Paige Green Green Paige Chief, BBPSB Stress-mediated effects on cancer biology; Stress measurement and methodology; Psychoneuroimmunology BBPSB
Debbie Greenberg Greenberg Debbie Program Analyst OAD
Jennifer Guida Guida Jennifer Program Director Cancer survivorship; Aging; Treatment-related effects; Quality of life; Social relationships and health; Sleep and circadian rhythms BBPSB
Kara Hall Hall Kara Program Director Science of team science; Health behavior theory; Implementation science; System science approaches; Research methods; Intervention development; Sleep; Climate change HBRB
Paul Han Han Paul Senior Scientist Medical uncertainty; Shared decision making; Risk communication; Predictive modeling; Cancer screening; Cancer genomics; Palliative and end-of-life care OAD
Katie Heley Heley Katie Cancer Prevention Fellow Health communication; Visual communication; Stigma; Media; Ethics HCIRB
Donna Hopkins Hopkins Donna Program Specialist BBPSB
Todd Horowitz Horowitz Todd Program Director Attention; Visual perception; Sleep and circadian rhythms BBPSB
Jacqueline (Jacky) Hua Hua Jacqueline (Jacky) Cancer Prevention Fellow Psychological processes; Decision making; Cancer preventive behavior; Racial disparities in cancer BBPSB
Irina Iles Iles Irina Program Director Message effects; Risk perception; Health behavior change; Survey and experimental designs HCIRB, BBPSB
Emma Jesch Jesch Emma Cancer Prevention Fellow Health communication; Conflicting or uncertain health information; Media effects; Campaign development; Decision making OAD
Annette Kaufman Kaufman Annette Program Director Tobacco control; Policy; Applied social psychology; Risk perception; Multiple health behavior change; Health behavior theory; Health communication TCRB, OAD
William  Klein Klein William Associate Director, BRP Social psychology; Risk perception; Decision-making OAD
Stephanie Land Land Stephanie Program Director Tobacco use and cessation among cancer patients; Tobacco use and cancer prevention and screening; Clinical trials TCRB
Youn Ok Lee Lee Youn Ok Program Director Tobacco control policy; Concurrent use of multiple tobacco products; Tobacco-Related Health Disparities; Emerging tobacco and cannabis products TCRB, HCIRB
Kristen Mangold Mangold Kristen Public Health Advisor TCRB, OAD
Margaret Mayer Mayer Margaret Program Director TCRB
Tommie McKoy McKoy Tommie Program Analyst OAD
Richard Moser Moser Richard Training Director and Research Methods Coordinator Statistical methodology; Survey methodology; Data harmonization; Health cognitions; End-of-life OAD
Abigail Muro Muro Abigail Cancer Research Training Award Fellow HCIRB
Linda Nebeling Nebeling Linda Deputy Associate Director Nutrition; Energy balance; Health promotion; Cancer prevention OAD
Mary O'Connell O'Connell Mary Scientific Program Manager OAD
Jackelyn Payne Payne Jackelyn Cancer Prevention Fellow Medical decision making; Reproductive health; Psychosocial oncology; Medical uncertainty OAD
Frank Perna Perna Frank Program Director Physical activity; School policy; Skin cancer prevention; Sport psychology; Cancer survivorship; Biopsychosocial mechanisms and theories of behavior change HBRB, IS
Heather Platter Platter Heather Cancer Prevention Fellow Decision-making; Risk perception and risk communication; Health literacy; Lung cancer screening; Tobacco control and prevention, smoking cessation OAD, TCRB
Yvonne Prutzman Prutzman Yvonne Program Director Smoking cessation; Co-morbid conditions; Emerging technologies for cessation; Youth smoking TCRB, HBRB
Carolyn Reyes-Guzman Reyes-Guzman Carolyn Program Director Low-dose/infrequent cigarette smoking; Concurrent use of multiple tobacco products; Behavioral epidemiology (tobacco use and its impact on other behaviors such as alcohol use, sleep health and mental health); Tobacco biomarkers of exposure and harm TCRB
Maria Rincon Rincon Maria Cancer Research Training Award Fellow eHealth; Health literacy; Health information technology; Cancer outcomes; Behavioral measurement OAD
Maria Roditis Roditis Maria Program Director Youth tobacco use; Health communication; Addiction; Tobacco control policy TCRB, HCIRB
Nicole Senft Everson Senft Everson Nicole Program Director Interpersonal health communication; Patient-centered care; Digital health; Technology-mediated communication; Affective experience and behavior HCIRB, BBPSB
Alesa Teague Teague Alesa Program Specialist TCRB
Gina Tesauro Tesauro Gina Public Health Advisor OAD
Robin Vanderpool Vanderpool Robin Branch Chief, HCIRB Cancer information-seeking behaviors; Rural cancer control; Digital health; Health-related stigma; Patient-centered communication; Community outreach and engagement HCIRB
Kimberly Woodhouse Woodhouse Kimberly Program Specialist HBRB