Staff: Jacob A. Rohde, PhD, MPH

Jacob A. Rohde, PhD, MPH
Cancer Prevention Fellow
Jacob Rohde, Ph.D., M.P.H., was a Cancer Prevention Fellow in the Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch of the Behavioral Research Program from August 2022 to August 2023.
Dr. Rohde's research predominantly focuses on tobacco control. To date, much of his work has investigated how health communication can be most effectively used to discourage vaping, particularly among youth and young adults in the US. Dr. Rohde's other research interests include computational social science, network analysis, and social media.
Dr. Rohde earned his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His dissertation developed and tested a support-based eHealth intervention that sent illness management information to people with inflammatory bowel disease. He also holds an M.P.H. from Harvard University, an M.A. from Boston University, and a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.
"Where are they now?": Following up with past BRP fellows
Updated September 2023
Current Title
Communication Research Scientist
RTI International
How has your BRP fellowship influenced your career?
BRP gave me the opportunity to freely develop my research agenda while collaborating with some of the most prolific cancer prevention and control scientists in the US. The mentorship and training I received during my fellowship helped me grow as a leader, and the skills I developed during my fellowship will be critically important throughout my career.
Describe a favorite memory or two from your fellowship experience.
I really enjoyed the Fellows Symposium hosted by DCCPS in Summer 2023. It was a great event that showcased the diverse research projects led by Fellows in BRP and across the division.
I also enjoyed the various social events hosted or supported by BRP. For example, I loved playing guitar in the DCCPS rock band at the winter holiday party, and I even got to throw a pie in the BRP director's face at a pizza party
Describe your current position, your current organization, and what you do.
I am a Communication Research Scientist in the Center for Communication & Media Impact at RTI International, an independent, nonprofit research institute. In this position, I provide scientific support on projects evaluating health education media campaigns for various clients, including the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Awards, Honors, and Recognitions
- Top Overall Poster Award, D.C. Health Communication Conference (DCHC), 2023 recipient.
- Outstanding Fellow Performance Award for Achievement in Research, Division of Cancer Control and Population Science, National Cancer Institute, 2023 recipient.
- Finalist, Abby Prestin Dissertation of the Year Award, Health Communication Division, International Communication Association, 2023.
- Collaborative Research Award for Fellows in Training (CRAFT), Division of Cancer Control and Population Science, National Cancer Institute, 2022 recipient.
Publications from Fellowship Work
- Rohde JA, Liu J, Rees VW. Community and Opinion Leadership Effects on Vaping Discourse: A Network Analysis of Online Reddit Threads. J Health Commun. 2023 Aug 3;28(8):487-497.
- Rohde JA, Klein WMP, D'Angelo H. Alcohol and Cancer Risk Beliefs as Correlates of Alcohol Consumption Status. Am J Prev Med. 2023 Jun 25:S0749-3797(23)00275-1.
- Ma H, Gottfredson O'Shea N, Kieu T, Rohde JA, Hall MG, Brewer NT, Noar SM. Examining the Longitudinal Relationship Between Perceived and Actual Message Effectiveness: A Randomized Trial. Health Commun. 2023 Jun 14:1-10.
- Noar SM, Gottfredson NC, Kieu T, Rohde JA, Hall MG, Ma H, Fendinger NJ, Brewer NT. Impact of Vaping Prevention Advertisements on US Adolescents: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Oct 3;5(10):e2236370.
- Rohde JA, Noar SM, Sheldon JM, Hall MG, Kieu T, Brewer NT. Identifying Promising Themes for Adolescent Vaping Warnings: A National Experiment. Nicotine Tob Res. 2022 Aug 6;24(9):1379-1385.
Current and/or past BRP mentors include Heather D'Angelo.
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