Candyce H. Kroenke

I am a Social and Cancer Epidemiologist.

Candyce H. Kroenke, M.P.H., Sc.D.

Kaiser Foundation Research Institute

My ah-ha moments have included all of those times I have noted striking differences in aging and health among people of the same chronological age, as well as how social networks create 'luck.' Opportunistically, I noted that most work on social networks and health outcomes was conducted in cardiovascular disease and saw a need to develop this work in cancer. Moreover, because sociodemographic factors govern the social environment, this naturally led to interest in health disparities.

Candyce Kroenke, ScD, MPH, conducts research to understand how social determinants, particularly social networks and social support, influence cancer survival. Her work also focuses on examining the behavioral, treatment, and physiologic mechanisms of these relationships. In her work, she has demonstrated and replicated findings that women with larger, more supportive social networks – the web of social relationships that surround an individual - have longer breast cancer-specific survival after diagnosis. However, because racial/ethnic minorities tend to be underrepresented in breast cancer cohorts, her work has also expanded to encompass health disparities.

The current R01 award enables Dr. Kroenke's team the opportunity to examine the role of neighborhood and individual social networks and ethnic enclaves among Asian and Latina immigrant women on health behaviors and breast cancer outcomes. Part of the excitement behind this work is due to the ability to examine whether social networks play a role in explaining the 'Hispanic paradox' (lower breast cancer mortality despite often greater socioeconomic disadvantage in Hispanic women), something that has been frequently hypothesized but has gone largely untested because of a lack of data.

Grant Listing
Project Title Grant Number Program Director Publication(s)
Social networks and disparities in health behaviors and breast cancer outcomes in immigrant women
Lisa Gallicchio

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Last Updated: 09/16/2019 12:15:23