Jennifer Tsui

I am a Cancer Control and Health Services Researcher.

Jennifer Tsui, Ph.D., M.P.H.

University of Southern California

Early in my career, I was fortunate to work with cancer control leaders researching HPV vaccine introduction. This inspired me to address inequities in preventable cancers and tackle complex health system, policy, and structural factors that limit access to new cancer prevention and treatment tools in diverse communities. My passion is to conduct implementation science and cancer care delivery research to improve cancer outcomes at the population level and reduce disparities.

Dr. Tsui is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine and Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center She is passionate about improving cancer care quality and reducing disparities in screening detectable cancers for underserved populations in safety-net settings. Using a multidisciplinary approach that includes health services research, mixed methods, and implementation science, Dr. Tsui's work focuses on improving access to, delivery and quality of guideline-recommended care across the cancer continuum. She utilizes a combination of large administrative claims and health system data with quantitative survey and qualitative primary data to address these research areas.

Dr. Tsui is the Principal Investigator of an NCI-funded study that aims to identify provider, practice, and health system factors that impact the implementation of evidence-based strategies for HPV vaccine improvement (1R37CA242541-01A1). HPV vaccination is an effective primary prevention strategy against HPV infection and associated cancers, but low uptake of the vaccine more than a decade after introduction indicates research is needed to improve the adoption of evidence-based strategies for increasing overall HPV vaccination rates. Findings will inform our current understanding of the relationship between primary care context and local capacity to adopt, implement, and sustain evidence-based strategies for cancer prevention and control.

Grant Listing
Project Title Grant Number Program Director Publication(s)
Advancing the implementation of evidence-based strategies for HPV vaccination in safety-net primary care settings
Sarah Kobrin

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Last Updated: 11/16/2020 01:21:09