
Our team of accomplished scientists, research associates, fellows, and administrators is dedicated to advancing cancer-related behavioral science research. This staff directory can help you:

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Photo Last Name First Name Title Scientific Interests Branch/ Office
Amanda Acevedo Acevedo Amanda Program Director Psychophysiological influences on cancer control; Emotions and facial expressions; Stress and resilience; Pain and health disparities; Latino culture and health BBPSB, HCIRB
Jennifer Bowers Bowers Jennifer Cancer Prevention Fellow Cancer Prevention; Social Influence; Risk Perceptions; Decision Making; Adolescent Health Behavior BBPSB
Rebecca Ferrer Ferrer Rebecca Program Director Emotion/affective science; Judgment and decision making; Risk perception; Social psychology BBPSB, HBRB
Paige Green Green Paige Chief, BBPSB Stress-mediated effects on cancer biology; Stress measurement and methodology; Psychoneuroimmunology BBPSB
Jennifer Guida Guida Jennifer Program Director Cancer survivorship; Aging; Treatment-related effects; Quality of life; Social relationships and health; Sleep and circadian rhythms BBPSB
Donna Hopkins Hopkins Donna Program Specialist BBPSB
Todd Horowitz Horowitz Todd Program Director Attention; Visual perception; Sleep and circadian rhythms BBPSB
Jacqueline (Jacky) Hua Hua Jacqueline (Jacky) Cancer Prevention Fellow Psychological processes; Decision making; Cancer preventive behavior; Racial disparities in cancer BBPSB
Irina Iles Iles Irina Program Director Message effects; Risk perception; Health behavior change; Survey and experimental designs HCIRB, BBPSB
Nicole Senft Everson Senft Everson Nicole Program Director Interpersonal health communication; Patient-centered care; Digital health; Technology-mediated communication; Affective experience and behavior HCIRB, BBPSB