Staff: Margaret Mayer, PhD, MPH

Margaret Mayer

Margaret Mayer, PhD, MPH

Program Director
Organization: Contact:

Margaret Mayer, Ph.D., M.P.H., is a Program Director in the Tobacco Control Research Branch (TCRB) of the Behavioral Research Program (BRP).

Dr. Mayer supports the Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS). Her program of research uses TUS-CPS, TUS-linked mortality data, and other data sources to characterize, study transitions between, and identify the health effects associated with different patterns of tobacco use. Patterns of particular interest include e-cigarette use, dual- and poly-product use, and menthol product use.

Dr. Mayer holds a Ph.D. in Public Health from Yale University, a M.P.H. in Chronic Disease Epidemiology from the Yale School of Public Health, and a B.S. in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of Connecticut. During her graduate training, she worked with the Yale Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science, where she focused on initiation of and transitions between different types of tobacco products among youth. She completed her postdoctoral training with TCRB as a Cancer Research Training Award Fellow.

Current and/or past BRP mentors include Carolyn Reyes-Guzman.

Current and/or past BRP mentees include Samantha Cwalina.

Scientific Interests

  • Tobacco control policy
  • Youth tobacco use
  • Concurrent use of multiple tobacco products

Selected Publications and Presentations

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