Staff: Annette Kaufman, PhD, MPH
Annette Kaufman, PhD, MPH
- Tobacco Control Research Branch (TCRB)
- Office of the Associate Director (OAD)
- Behavioral Research Program (BRP)
Annette Kaufman, Ph.D., M.P.H., is a Health Scientist and Program Director in the Tobacco Control Research Branch (TCRB), Behavioral Research Program (BRP), Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). She obtained her Doctorate in Applied Social Psychology from The George Washington University and Master of Public Health in quantitative methods from the Harvard School of Public Health. She completed her post-doctoral training as a Cancer Prevention Fellow in the Office of the Director (OAD) in the Behavioral Research Program. Dr. Kaufman is actively involved in the development and implementation of the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) and the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study. Her program of research focuses on tobacco product harm judgments and risk perceptions associated with tobacco use. Dr. Kaufman is particularly interested in the influence of policy on tobacco beliefs and behavior.
Secondary Branch/Office Appointment:
Office of the Associate Director (OAD)
Current and/or past BRP mentors include William Klein.
Current and/or past BRP mentees include Lia Sorgen, Andrew Seidenberg and Amanda Acevedo.
Scientific Interests
- Tobacco control
- Policy
- Applied social psychology
- Risk perception
- Multiple health behavior change
- Health behavior theory
- Health communication
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Seidenberg A, Kaufman A. 'Tobacco-free' claims in tobacco product marketing in the United States. Tob Control 2022 Nov 24; tc-2022-057700.
- Sorgen LJ, Ferrer RA, Klein WMP, Kaufman AR. Smoking self-concept moderates the effects of self-affirmation on smoking-related beliefs and behavioral intentions. Psychol Health 2022 Aug; 37(8):964-984.
- Kaufman AR, D'Angelo H, Gaysynsky A, Seidenberg AB, Vollinger RE, Blake KD. Public Support for Cigarette Pack Pictorial Health Warnings Among US Adults: A Cross-sectional Analysis of the 2020 Health Information National Trends Survey. Nicotine Tob Res 2022 Apr 28; 24(6):924-928.
- Ashare RL, Bernstein SL, Schnoll R, Gross R, Catz SL, Cioe P, Crothers K, Hitsman B, Marhefka SL, McClure JB, Pacek LR, Vidrine DJ, Vilardaga R, Kaufman A, Edelman EJ. The United States National Cancer Institute's Coordinated Research Effort on Tobacco Use as a Major Cause of Morbidity and Mortality among People with HIV. Nicotine Tob Res 2021 Jan 22; 23(2):407-410.
- Kaufman AR, Twesten JE, Suls J, McCaul KD, Ostroff JS, Ferrer RA, Brewer NT, Cameron LD, Halpern-Felsher B, Hay JL, Park ER, Peters E, Strong DR, Waters EA, Weinstein ND, Windschitl PD, Klein WMP. Measuring Cigarette Smoking Risk Perceptions. Nicotine Tob Res 2020 Oct 29; 22(11):1937-1945.
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